Questions a breast lift – Very few women are really happy with their breasts. With age, the skin naturally sags, which also affects the breasts. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, the bust size changes. Gravity usually wins here too. Many women then dream of a breast lift.
A healthy diet, plenty of fluids, a balanced lifestyle and plenty of skin care are good tips for firmer and younger-looking skin. But sometimes that’s not enough and the breasts sag. Not only the affected women themselves suffer from it. Those around her and her family may suffer with her. A breast lift could be the solution at this moment. But what do you have to do with a breast lift? We answer the most frequently asked questions.
When is a breast lift useful?
You look in the mirror and are unhappy with what you see and feel. As a result of aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding or significant weight loss, your breasts are sagging and you are very unhappy with them. Now at the latest you are considering having your breasts lifted. Don’t just keep thinking about it. Be happy again and do some serious research about a breast lift.
What exactly happens during a breast lift?
With a light breast lift, an incision is made around the nipple and the excess skin is removed. In a medium breast lift, an additional incision is made from the bottom center of the nipple to the underbreast crease. More skin can be removed with this method. In the case of a strong lift, an additional incision is made horizontally in the breast crease in addition to the incisions of the medium breast lift, which allows a maximum of excess skin to be removed. A breast lift is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about two to four hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure.
Who bears the costs?
Since a breast lift is an aesthetic procedure, you usually have to bear the costs yourself. The amount of the costs depends on the scope of the intervention. Seemingly cheap offers are very tempting, but be careful with bargain prices. Be sure to get intensive advice from several cosmetic surgeons. The costs of a serious and reasonable breast lift start at around 2,500 – 3,500 euros and increase with the scope and complexity of the procedure.
What happens after the operation? – Questions a breast lift
You should stay in the clinic for at least one night after the procedure as the breast lift is usually performed under general anesthesia. To prevent swelling, you will be put in a bandage that will be worn for about six weeks. Regular checks should be carried out during the healing process and physical stress should be avoided.
A breast lift is a surgical procedure. It is therefore essential that you inform yourself very intensively about the risks and possible consequences of an operation.