The Biliopancreatic diversion is an effectual Bariatric operation for a substantial loss of weight.
Biliopancreatic Diversion Turkey / Antalya – Costs EUR 4,590
A Biliopancreatic diversion is an operative method to reduce weight. The Biliopancreatic diversion in Turkey is often performed with a duodenal switch. The operation is a good option for patients with a high level of overweight and a BMI of over 50, if other methods for a weight reduction didn’t work out. The high expertise and longstanding experience of our specialists and surgeons in Turkey will return the sense of life and health to you.
In the first step of the operation about 80 percent of the stomach will be removed. The remaining small part in the form of a sleeve looks like a banana. In the Biliopancreatic diversion the part where the food merges into the small intestine is kept, also a limited part of the small intestine.
In the second step of the operation the surgeon connects the end portion with the duodenum close to the stomach. With this procedure the intake of food and nutrients, including proteins and fats, is definitely reduced.
With a Biliopancreatic diversion in Turkey normally only one operation is needed. In some cases there will be two operations. After the first part the weight loss will be controlled, before the bypass will be performed.
A Biliopancreatic diversion is performed to help you to lose overweight. Additionally the risk of life-threatening ailments is reduced. These include:
Maybe in your country surgeons will perform this kind of operation only, when changes in your diet and exercise behaviours have failed to reduce weight. Likewise an operation there will be more costly as in Turkey. Often health care will not refund a Biliopancreatic diversion.
The Turkish specialists will carry out a number of examinations before the operation. On the day of the operation, you will be given a general anaesthetic in the operating theatre. This will allow you to sleep during the operation and you will not notice the procedure. An anaesthetist will continuously monitor the effect of the anaesthetic and your circulation.
The Turkish doctors will discuss the surgical procedure with you before the operation. Many operations can be performed laparoscopically, i.e. with instruments through small incisions in the abdomen. This means that the traditional large or open incisions can be avoided. At the same time, the costs are lower and the recovery time shorter.
Each of the two stages of the operation takes a few hours. After the operation, you will be monitored in a recovery room by trained and experienced medical staff.
Immediately after a biliopancreatic diversion, you will be nourished with liquids. The stomach and intestines need time to heal. The special diet plan changes from liquid to pureed foods in the days following the operation. After a few days, you can eat soft-boiled foods and then return to a normal diet.
The Turkish medical team will recommend that you take additional vitamin and mineral supplements after the operation to prevent any micronutrient deficiencies.
After a biliopancreatic diversion in Turkey, it may be possible to lose a whopping 70 to 80 per cent of your excess weight within a two-year period. However, the actual weight loss after the operation also depends on lifestyle and dietary changes.
The a Biliopancreatic diversion will be performed in a Turkish Specialty hospital. The duration of your stay depends on your recovery. In many cases of a laparoscopically operation patients can leave the hospital after two days.
Once you have decided to have an operation in Turkey, our specialist will give you detailed information. Perhaps there has to be some examinations and laboratory tests done.
It is important for the doctors to know what medicines, vitamins, minerals or other supplements you take. In case you are taking blood thinning medications arrangements have to be made. Also information about diabetic are vital to be adjusted.
After the surgery, you will stay a few days in hospital. The trained staff is taking care of you and prepares you for discharge. Maybe you opt for a few days vacation in Turkey after your operation.