Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey​

Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey​: A mini gastric bypass operation is considered a newly and more and more practiced method these days. Same as with a gastric bypass surgery, a part of the small intestine will be bypassed. This will reduce the area of resorption.

Migi Gastric Bypass Turkey / Antalya – Costs EUR 3,490

gastric bypass turkey

Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey​ / Antalya – Costs & Procedure

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The Omega (Mini) Bypass

For many patients the Omega (mini) bypass is an effective option to the standard gastric bypass surgery. Thereby is the Omega (mini) bypass not far different from the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass method. A mini bypass in the Turkey will help you to reduce weight, because the intake of food will be restricted. Even the appetite will be controlled by a change in the enteric flora.

Mini bypass operations have been performed since the early 1960s, but have been discarded. With the development of the keyhole technic or laparoscopic surgery the mini bypass operation had a popular comeback. If this gastric operation is performed in Turkey, you will have a fast, effective and affordable alternative to a customary bypass in your country.

Aesthetic Travel: Your partner for cosmetic surgeries, stomach reduction, dental treatments, ophthalmology, and hair transplantation in Türkiye, specifically in Antalya. Contact through WhatsApp.

gastric bypass in turkey

Mini gastric bypass surgery in Antalya, Turkey: an efficient way to lose weight

Qualified specialists perform this minimally invasive operation by dividing the stomach into two parts and creating a smaller stomach pouch. As a result, the new, smaller stomach can hold significantly less food, which leads to a reduction in calorie intake.

The remaining, larger part of the stomach remains in the body and continues to produce digestive juices, but is separated from the food intake. As part of an omega bypass operation, a loop of intestine consisting of the duodenum and part of the jejunum is connected to the new stomach pouch. By bypassing a section of the small intestine, the food meets the digestive juices directly, effectively reducing calorie intake.

This method leads to significant weight loss by reducing food and calorie intake. Mini gastric bypass surgery in Antalya offers a safe and effective way to lose weight that is supported by experienced Turkish doctors.

Aesthetic Travel: Your partner for cosmetic surgeries, stomach reduction, dental treatments, ophthalmology, and hair transplantation in Türkiye, specifically in Antalya. Contact through WhatsApp.

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After omega gastric bypass surgery

Omega gastric bypass surgery patients in Turkey / Antalya can often expect to recover from this operation within 24 hours. However, it is best to stay in the hospital for three to five days to be on the safe side. The experienced nursing staff and doctors encourage patients to get up and move around as quickly as possible to prevent the formation of blood clots.

In the first few days after the operation, nutrition begins with a liquid diet, which is slowly switched to solid food. This allows the body to adapt optimally to the changes resulting from the operation.

Aesthetic Travel: Your partner for cosmetic surgeries, stomach reduction, dental treatments, ophthalmology, and hair transplantation in Türkiye, specifically in Antalya. Contact through WhatsApp.

gastric bypass in turkey cost

Increasing number of mini gastric bypass operations in Turkey

The number of mini gastric bypasses performed in Turkey is steadily increasing. The high quality of the operations, the excellent medical treatment before, during and after the procedure and the favourable gastric bypass costs in Turkey are good reasons for many patients. The procedure has proven to be safe, inexpensive and effective. Weight loss with a mini gastric bypass from Turkey is permanent and is accompanied by a reduction in other conditions caused by obesity. The quality of life is significantly improved and does not cause any financial suffering thanks to the favourable gastric bypass Turkey costs.

Aesthetic Travel: Your partner for cosmetic surgeries, stomach reduction, dental treatments, ophthalmology, and hair transplantation in Türkiye, specifically in Antalya. Contact through WhatsApp.

Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey Reviews

Anela Ajdari
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I underwent gastric bypass surgery. My dear companion who looked after me was there for me non-stop, no matter what I needed or wanted to know whether before or after the operation. The surgery itself went well. The hospital is very modern and clean, you always see someone cleaning and the nurses and doctors are incredible, which unfortunately I wasn't able to experience here in Germany. So all in all I was super satisfied. Great praise and thanks to the entire team.
Corinna Lotsch
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I felt cared for from the first minute. It is rare to find such competent staff. The gastric bypass operation went really well and I've already lost a lot of weight and everything is fine for me. Two days later I was feeling so well that I was able to leave the clinic after just two days. Thank you very much you gave me a new life 😘

Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey Before & After Photos

Mini Magenbypass 1
Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey Before & After
Mini Magenbypass 2
Mini Gastric Bypass Turkey Before & After
Mini Magenbypass 3
Mini Gastric Bypass in Antalya Before & After

Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey – FAQ

Omega Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey includes only one link between the new stomach and the intestine. While in Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass there are two. Mini Gastric Bypass surgery takes shorter time. That’s one of the reasons why a Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey is substantially more affordable.

Studies show that, a Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery and a standard Roux-en Y gastric Bypass have almost the same results of weight loss, and they have similar health advantages.

  • In this technique, the new mini stomach can take less food and in this way you would not only eat less but also slower.
  • Your body will absorb less calories, because the food will not pass through the duodenum and jejunum.
  • The surgery changes the hormone level and controls and suppresses your appetite

There are many reasons, why patients want to have a Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey. A few
will be listed with the most important facts for this surgery:

  • The weight loss with the Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery is comparable to the Roux-en Y technique.
  • Duration of the surgery and regeneration is significantly shorter.
  • This surgery is easily reversible, but patients are normally satisfied with the results.
  • The pricing of a Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey is much lower than in your country.

The duration of Mini Gastric Bypass in Turkey is shorter and makes the surgery less expensive. Thanks to experienced and talented surgeons in Turkey you can be assured, you will be in good hands.