Sex Transformation from Man to Woman Transformation in Turkey

It is a long way, but finally to prevail. Sex reassignment surgery makes sure, that men can realize their dream to live the life of women.

Geschlechtsumwandlung Mann zu Frau türkei

Sex Transformation from Man to Woman Transformation in Turkey / Antalya – Costs & Procedure

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Man to Woman Transformation in Turkey

For a certain time, you have already the feeling not to belong in a male body and having problems in your role in society. You wishing for a sex transformation from man to women transformation in Turkey? In Turkey specialist for urology, psychology, and plastic surgery can perform procedures in specialized cooperation together as a team. From the first consultation by a psychologist about the hormonal change to the surgical invagination and the aesthetic plastic modelling of your body as a woman, they are at your side to guide you to a completely new phase in your life.

The Aesthetic Travel Team from Antalya is here to help you in your search for a suitable aesthetic plastic surgeon! We have the needed contacts to Turkish cosmetic surgeons with great expertise for this kind of procedure of sex transformation from man to woman. Don’t hesitate and contact us, we facilitate sensitive and caring only experts with know-how. 

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Geschlechtsumwandlung Mann zu Frau türkei antalya

A sex transformation from man to women in Turkey is a process of change with well-coordinated steps.

One part of the whole is the aesthetic plastic procedures in Turkey, to change your masculine appearance to feminine. The personal counselling interview with your aesthetic plastic surgeon  is a good opportunity to know your doctor and his team in his clinic. You will be interviewed about your medical history. The procedure will be explained to you in detail and alternative opportunities discussed. The doctor explains risks and side effects and the cost for a sex transformation from man to women in Turkey. You will undergo a thorough examination and from all collected data the surgeon develops an individual treatment concept for your aesthetic plastic procedure.

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Geschlechtsumwandlung Mann zu Frau in der türkei

Sex Reassignment Surgery: From Man to Woman Transformation – Your Wish comes true!

For a long time, you had the feeling to be a stranger to your body. Sometimes you came across lack of understanding for your wish for a sex reassignment surgery. As person affected the psychological strain is heavy and the search for doctors with professional expertise begins. In several steps it is possible. A change from masculinity to femininity can be achieved in Turkey.

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Geschlechtsumwandlung Mann zu Frau türkei kosten
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Sex Transformation in Turkey: Details to the aesthetic plastic Aspects

Our cooperating aesthetic plastic surgeons in Turkey have many years of experience in the performance of sex transformation from man to women. They are using most modern medical and technical standards for the procedure, always in mind your wishes for sex reassignment.

Sex Transformation from Man to Woman: What is here with aesthetic plastic possible?

Your Turkish plastic surgeon will inform you about the possibilities for this aesthetic plastic surgery your hormonally changed body to bring in a feminine appearance. The first priority is the facial shape. Here helps a nose or chin correction and cheiloplasty for a feminine physiognomy. Your surgeon can perform also breast augmentation. Of course, an important aspect is, to permanently prevent the growth of hair at unwanted body parts, like the growth of beard.

Fat pads can be removed by liposuction. At the pubic area, the lips of the vulva can be modulated. A mons pubis and a gland for the clitoris can be modulated and are important aspects for a change.

Enjoy your new physical feeling and appearance and show off your femininity!

We from Aesthetic Travel Team in Antalya are here to support you on your way to be man transformation to woman

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Geschlechtsumwandlung Mann zu Frau antalya türkei

Sex Transformation from Man to Woman Turkey - FAQ

For 6 months a venereal therapy with hormones is needed. Also, a psychological therapy under a physician’s care is needed for 18 months together with a suitability test. Patients need for their diagnosis two opinions of experts independently from each other. Additionally, an indication for medical necessity for the operation for a sex transformation is needed from a doctor who is specialized for the treatment of transsexual patients.

The new vagina is normally placed between bladder and intestine with the help of the so-called invagination method by everting skin from the penis shaft. Most operations use also some part of the scrotum as skin transplant. By this method, a wide and deep new vagina is achieved and tension on clitoris, urethra and mons pubis is prevented.

Your glans is the material for your clitoris and will be completely placed with vessels and nerves but only parts can be recognized.

Usually, there are two procedures planned. In the first operation the testicles and corpus cavernosum is removed, the male urethra shortened, the new vagina and the clitoris modelled. In the second operation adjustments and corrections to the labia are made. The vaginal introitus is enlarged and a mons pubis constructed.

Hospitalisation by the first procedure takes usually two weeks, and for the second operation for about one week.

The period of sick leave depends on the procedure and the progress and wound healing process. At least it will take the double time as the hospitalisation.

This depends on wound healing and can be a few months.

There are a few special risks for a sex reassignment surgery from Man to Woman:

  • Very rare it comes to an injury of the urethra, bladder and intestine. In this case, fistulas can develop between the new vagina and bladder. A new operation is needed.
  • Also very rare is for tissue to die off. Sometimes there can occur problems with wound healing by skin transplants and some parts can die off. This is healing normally by itself.
  • Rare is constriction of the new vagina. It can come to inflammatory and cicatricial processes. If this is obstructive an operation for correction is needed.
  • Narrowing of the new placed urethral orifice is seldom but can be corrected with the second operation.

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