Hair transplantation is no longer taboo

Haartransplantation ist kein Tabu mehr
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Hair transplantation taboo – Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular, especially among men. Especially after prominent men like Jürgen Klopp or Christian Lindner have confessed to their hair transplant, this topic is no longer taboo in public. This is not the only reason why the topic of hair transplantation has long since become the focus of public attention. But even for ordinary people, hair transplantation is a topic that many men have dealt with before. This has meant that more and more men are going to a Spezia

dare listen to get a better look. After all, who doesn’t want to have full and vital hair again? Full hair stands for youthfulness and health. Unfortunately, more than every second man will be affected by hair loss in his lifetime. As a rule, this is hereditary hair loss that is progressing inexorably. Only hair transplantation can help against this process.

The often impressive results of a hair transplant then naturally awaken the desire to get equally beautiful hair again. But how does a hair transplant actually work?

The way to full hair

A hair transplant takes advantage of the fact that the crown of hair has hair that never falls out. If you see people with a bald head, you have certainly noticed the fringe of hair on the back of the head and on the sides.

These hairs stay for a lifetime. With a hair transplant, about 30 percent of this hair can be removed from the hair ring without any visible thinning of your hair. Hair transplantation takes advantage of this. Because these hairs can then be removed and replanted on the bald spots.

Your hair is therefore redistributed without you noticing that this hair is missing from your crown of hair. However, your hair often does not grow alone but as so-called grafts. Graft is the English term for transplant.

There can be multiple hair roots in one graft. This means that a graft can consist of one to a maximum of five hairs. These grafts are removed by the hair surgeon and then placed on the top of your head.

The denser the grafts can be placed, the better the result will be in the end. However, placing the grafts too densely can also lead to a reduced growth rate of the hair. This should always be considered.

Waiting for the result – hair transplantation taboo

After the hair has been transplanted, all hair falls out about 2 weeks after the operation. This is a completely normal process as the grafts go into a kind of shock as a result of the transplantation. After about 3 months your new hair will start to grow. However, a lot of patience is required first, as some hairs can only start to show after 4 or 5 months. As the process progresses, your hair will become even thicker and develop a better structure. The final result is therefore only known after about a year. Even after that, there may even be improvements. The transplanted hair then grows for a lifetime and does not fall out again.
